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Japanese Kanji that can be used for Hanko(France)

Your names are expressed in Japanese Kanji characters.
This page explains about Japanese Kanji characters in English.
In this article, we will explain the Kanji characters that can be used for names.
Please use this as a reference when you get Hanko.
The characters in parentheses are Kanji characters.
The combination of Kanji characters shown here was invented by Ryushiru.

Woman Name


類 is the Loui part of Louise.
類 means similar.It is often used as a person’s name.
逗 is the se part of Louise.
“逗 means stay.Other letters pronounced as “”se”” are 図 and 豆.”
図 means
豆 means beans.

Alice(有栖 or 有朱)

有 is the Ali part of Alice.
有 means exist.
栖 is the ce part of Alice.
栖 means habitat. It is used as part of a woman’s name.You can change it to 朱.
朱 means red.


紅 is the Ch part of Chloe.
紅 means crimson. You can change it to 来.
来 means come.
路 is the lo part of Chloe.
路 means load.
“絵 is the “”e”” part of Chloe.”
絵 means picture.


笑 is the E part of Emma.
笑 means smile.
真 is the mma part of Emma.
真 meanstrue. 真 is often used as a person’s name for both men and women.


“以 is the “”I”” part of Ines.”
以 means since.
音 is the ne part of Ines.
音 means sound.
“栖 is the “”s”” part of Ines.”
栖 means habitat. It is used as part of a woman’s name.

Man Name


利 is the Li part of Liam.
利 means blade sharp or wise.You can change it to 俐. 俐 means wise.
“亜 is the “”a”” part of Liam.”
亜 means next.Incidentally, Asia is written in Kanji characters as 亜細亜.
夢 is the ”m” part of Liam.
夢 means dream.

Lucas(瑠加 or 瑠夏)

瑠 is the Lu part of Lucas.
瑠 means lapis lazuli.(Formally, lapis lazuli is written as 瑠璃.)
加 is the cas part of Lucas.
加 means add. It is used as part of a person’s name.You can change it to 夏.
夏 means summer.


“羅 is the “”Ra”” part of Raphaël.”
“羅 also means “”net,”” but it is also used in connection with Buddhism.”
巴 is the pha part of Raphaël.
“巴 means eddy. Incidentally, Paris is written as “”巴里”” in Japanese Kanji characters.”
“(“”pha”” is difficult to describe the character pha in Japanese Kanji characters.)”
江 is the ”ë” part of Raphaël.
江 means big river.
瑠 is the ”l” part of Raphaël.
瑠 means lapis lazuli.(Formally, lapis lazuli is written as 瑠璃.)


礼 is the Lé part of Léo.
礼 means gratitude or bow.
央 is the ”o” part of Léo.
央 means center.


乃 is the No part of Noah.
乃 is the original Kanji characters for Hiragana and Katakana.(Hiragana and Katakana is one of the writing systems of the Japanese language.)It is often used as a person’s name.
亜 is the ah part of Noah.
亜 means next.Incidentally, Asia is written in Kanji characters as 亜細亜.


If anything, 利 and 俐 is Japanese Kanji character used in male names.
