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Japanese Kanji that can be used for Hanko(the UK)

Your names are expressed in Japanese Kanji characters.
This page explains about Japanese Kanji characters in English.
In this article, we will explain the Kanji characters that can be used for names.
Please use this as a reference when you get Hanko.
The characters in parentheses are Kanji characters.
The combination of Kanji characters shown here was invented by Ryushiru.

Man Name


織 is the Oli part of Oliver.
織 means weave or combine.
羽 is the ver part of Oliver.
羽 means feather.


乃 is the No part of Noah.
乃 is the original Kanji characters for Hiragana and Katakana.(Hiragana and Katakana is one of the writing systems of the Japanese language.)It is often used as a person’s name.
亜 is the ah part of Noah.
亜 means next.Incidentally, Asia is written in Kanji characters as 亜細亜.

Harry(刃利 or 波俐)

刃 is the Ha part of Harry.
刃 means Katana(Japanese Sword).You can change it to 波.
利 is the rry part of Harry.
利 means blade sharp or wise.You can change it to 俐.
波 is the Ha part of Harry.You can change it to 刃.
波 means wave.
俐 is the rry part of Harry.
俐 means wise.You can change it to 利.
It is acceptable to add 以 after 利 or 俐.
以 means since.


惹句 means catchphrase.(The word 惹句 is not used routinely in Japan.)
惹 means fascinate.
句 means a piece of words or sentences.

Woman Name


梨 is the Li part of Lily.
梨 means Japanese pear.
里 is the ly part of Lily.
里 means village.
All of these Kanji characters are used in names in Japan.
For 里, you can use 理 as follows.


笑 is the Emi part of Emily.
笑 means smile.
理 is the ly part of Emily.
理 means rules and reason.
All of these Kanji characters are used in names in Japan.
For 理, you can use 里 as above.


織 is the Oli part of Olivia.
織 means weave or combine.
美 is the vi part of Olivia.
美 means beauty.
“亜 is the “”a”” part of Olivia.”
亜 means next.Incidentally, Asia is written in Kanji characters as 亜細亜.

Amelia(雨理亜 or 天里亜)

雨 is the Ame part of Amelia.
雨 means rain.
You can change it to 天. 天 means sky.Alternatively, it means a place where God lives.
“(However, it is not common for the Japanese to pronounce 天 as “”Ame””.)”
理 is the li part of Amelia.
理 means rules and reason.
“亜 is the “”a”” part of Amelia.”
亜 means next.Incidentally, Asia is written in Kanji characters as 亜細亜.

Sophia(曽富以亜 or 素富以亜)

曽 is the So part of Sophia.
曽 means before or generations overlap.
“You can change it to 素. 素 means as it is. (However, it may be pronounced “”sphere”” by the Japanese.)”
富 is the ph part of Sophia.
富 means that there is plenty of property and material goods.The character for 富 in Mt Fuji.
以 is the ”i” part of Sophia.
以 means since.
“亜 is the “”a”” part of Sophia.”
亜 means next.Incidentally, Asia is written in Kanji characters as 亜細亜.


If anything, 利 and 俐 is Japanese Kanji character used in male names.
